Jessica & Harland’s Story | Couples Session

Couples boudoir photography is a sexy way to connect with your partner!

You ladies know I’ve said countless times that a boudoir session is for no one else but YOURSELF! Well sometimes, those feelings of self-confidence and empowerment actually shine through most during a couples session. Just check out these photos from a recent couples shoot with my clients Jessica and Harland. They have such a sweet and inspiring story and trust me, the way this experience made their connection even deeper will have you planning a shoot with your significant other ASAP!

Couples boudoir photography is a sexy way to connect with your partner!

It all started at the high school bus stop—the relationship between Jessica and Harland. It was her first week of high school when she rounded the corner and saw him standing there. At first too afraid to speak to him, she patiently waited until what seemed like the best time to initiate conversation. She saw the writing on the sleeve of his marching band jacket and asked, “What instrument is a Harland?” He replied, “I’m a Harland,” and the rest was history. After dating throughout high school, and on and off in college, they reconnected in 2012, and Harland proposed at his Navy bootcamp graduation. Four months later they were married.

Couples boudoir photography is a sexy way to connect with your partner!

2020 was supposed to be their year. Three years of medical treatment for a heart defect had finally come to an end for their daughter, but then the world stopped because of Covid19 and shortly after, their son was diagnosed with cancer. They needed time to come up for air and reconnect as a couple after enduring the unthinkable. They wanted a moment for just the two of them to share. Jessica is a former client and remembered how empowering her solo session was, so after a little convincing, Harland agreed that a couple’s session would be a completely new and intimate way to bring them closer together.

Couples boudoir photography is a sexy way to connect with your partner!

“The whole morning I had butterflies.” Jessica arrived early for their session so she could enjoy a little pampering from our professional glam squad. After the outfits were chosen, and her hair and makeup was complete, Harland arrived to join her on set and his jaw dropped when she saw how beautiful she looked. Any nerves quickly disappeared when Jessica saw the huge smile on Harland’s face every time their eyes met, and noticed that whenever she turned around, his eyes were always locked on her. Seeing her husband’s comfort even in front of the camera only added to her own comfort. I watched as he complimented her, calling her “gorgeous” and “stunning” (I mean, who doesn’t want to hear those words from their partners on a daily basis?) Of course we got tons of sexy shots of Jessica and Harland as a couple, but I also snapped a few of them each alone because it’s such a great reminder that a partnership is made up of two strong, empowered individuals.

Couples boudoir photography is a sexy way to connect with your partner!

There was a moment that Jessica realized, “I wasn’t there trying to impress my husband” and that instead they were there to enjoy each other’s company and be comforted by each other’s presence after all they had been through. Harland, who was hesitant about the whole process (as most guys are), is now anxiously awaiting the photos and even bragging to his friends about the new light he was able to see Jessica in. The best part of this experience is that Jessica said she feels valued by Harland beyond just his appreciation for her as a wife and mother. She said it reminded her “he’s still proud of me even though we’ve been together since we were 15.” Swoon!

Now let’s get your couples session on the calendar. This experience makes the perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding, or hell just because you two look great together! Availability is going quickly, so get in touch today.


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